Wednesday, February 6, 2013


1.5 is not my favourite number right now. It's what the treadmill reads every time I step on it these days and it hurts. But I decided after Houston I wanted to give it a go as I think I could benefit from the increased workload it creates. 

Today was just 6 miles at 8:00 pace with 6x400m thrown in. It almost killed me. Oh the 400's were to be at 5:20 pace. I'm used to being asked at the end of EVERY race if i'm ok, but today was the 1st time I think I've ever been asked whilst on the treadmill at the Y! My response: 'no but yes!' I opened 'Jack Daniels' last night (not the wet kind) and read a bit about paces and inclines on the treadmill and I need to have a conversation with Coach Doug Storey about what I'm doing. I told him in passing that I was planning on doing it but it's been kind of crazy since the marathon and I haven't had a chance to sound him out properly. 

I love it though, it hurts so good! I also like that I'm getting my fix despite my milage still being way down due to the ongoing recovery from Houston. This week will be around 60 miles with almost half coming from this Saturday 50k I'm running. It's a local race and I'm taking it easy and running with a friend. I'm looking forward to it, it will be the furthest I've ever run and for the longest time too no doubt. Unfortunately we have had a lot of rain this week (not a bad thing in itself) but I heard the course is low lying and so there will be a lot of water to wade through. My partner in crime for this one asked me on Friday if I had trail shoes because I would need some. Emmmmm no and I'm not going to get any between now and then and have broken them in for a 31 mile run so I'll have my golden oldies on that must have a round 600 miles ish on them by now. I am already anticipating a fall/slide or 2!

I wanted my milage to pop straight back up to 90/100+ post Houston but marathon recovery is not an overnight thing as I am discovering and I trust Doug so am doing as I'm told (apart from the incline thing). He has promised that I can get back into some more miles after my next 'serious' race which will be the Woodlands Half marathon in a few (4?) weeks time. 

I am very pleased to now be part of Bayou City Elite, Doug Storey's racing team and am hopeful that the tops will be ready for the Woodlands half so I can wear it with pride! 
I have been practising my core and strength work religiously for the past few weeks now and I swear I can see a difference across my shoulders which I HATE. I have very broad shoulders as it is and now I have all these 'lines' showing up across them - muscle? *shudders*

Not much else to report, feeling good post marathon no niggles or sore bits. Very much looking forward to Chicago in October (I'm just going to sign up and tell my husband we talked about it and he agreed - his memory is awful ;)). 

I'm not sure what shape I'll be in for the Woodlands but I'd really like to sort out that half marathon PR of mine. We'll see what happens! 


  1. Wow! I never run with my TM at an incline. I just hate it too much. Good luck this weekend. I am running The Woodlands full and am so glad the course is reversed from last year. I think my legs will appreciate it. I am sure you will kill the half!

  2. eh? The course is reversed???? So miles 2-5 which I swear are quite a climb (this is why I need to use an incline I am soooo crap on 'climbs' even if they are just a tiny upward slope!) we will get to run down this year? Now I'm trying to remember what the downhill part was like, shorter but a bit steeper? SO this will make the course easier and therefore faster, right? Whoop whoop! I'm going to go look at the race website, thanks for the heads up! Good luck in the full, do you have a goal time?

  3. I always do incline at 0.5 on the dreaded treadmill. But, what do I know? I hate the thing and rarely run on one.

    Woodlands- me and you meet up! OKAY????? Are you on FB?

    1. yes and yes! Vicky cook on FB, look for me, lives in Houston. Be warned I post a LOT of photos and utter nonsense (much like this blog really). See you in the Woodlands!!!!

  4. By the By I'm doing a 50km this Saturday... do you know that 50km is a long way... I'm doing a 34km ran this Saturday and that is going to be a long way!

    Now as for the treadmill I can't really tell you much, but because running on a TM is so much easier that the road, no body to push forward, having an incline is a good thing as you have a body to lift... Hope the 50km goes well and recover quickly enough to put in a couple of session and then wax that HALF.

    1. I know, I haven't really given it much thought at all! I'm hoping I can just take it easy and get through it ok, we'll see! I wont be pushing, just relaxing and enjoying the time out from kids ;) Enjoy those 34km.

  5. Good luck with the 50k. I hope it's not too messy out there. And, I hope you continue to recover...quickly! :)

  6. I thought I left a comment here last night..?
    Great job with the core work and the recovery from an intense race. The mileage cut will no doubt give you a super fast half marathon at Woodlands.
    Have fun with that 50k!

    1. thanks, although I'm not sure whether it's allergies or a cold but the 50k may not happen if I feel like this tomorrow :(

  7. Ooo, so excited about you HM. Good job staying patient with the mileage. You need the rest, as you know.

    So, my coach last year (not coached now) had me run @ 2% incline on the TM as equivalent to flat road and taking into account lack of wind. To which I said "I'll go outside thank you very much". HARD!!! I think it is awesome that you are sticking to the 1.5% grade. It will benefit you in the long run:) Good luck!

    1. Completely agree, I do NOT think that even 1.5 is equivalent to running outdoors let alone 2, it's WAY tougher! Jack Daniels and I do not see eye to eye on this one. Having said that I have zero hills where I live and I miss/need them AND I want my threshold runs to be true threshold and I don't think a 0 gradient provides that. It's simply too hot/humid for me to hit threshold pace here during the 6 month long summer outdoors and I feel I'm better doing those runs on the TM. I'm not worried about easy runs, I know what easy feels like and can adjust pace accordingly but threshold has me worried. Need to talk to Doug.
